Friday 7 June, a small ceremony was held at the Port Arthur Historic
Site to plant the last four macrocarpa trees that completed the first
stage of a ten year renewal plan for the Soldiers Memorial Avenue. The
trees were planted by the Chair of the PAHSMA Board, Professor Sharon
Sullivan, the President of the Tasman Sub-Branch of the RSL, Gary
Alexander, the Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage, Brian
Wightman, and the Mayor of Tasman Council, Jan Barwick.
The first stage of the renewal plan involved the removal of 14
macrocarpa trees from the western end of the Avenue. The trunks of these
trees have been salvaged for use in appropriate community projects.
Some logs have been donated to the Dunalley School for use as playground
furniture, and some other logs have been supplied to the Eaglehawk Neck
Action Community Taskforce (ENACT) for the construction of picnic
tables and benches. Logs will also be provided to the Dunalley Hall and
Reserves Association for use in the rebuilding of the Dunalley Community
Hall, which will include a dedicated room to be used by the Dunalley
RSL, and a sculpture set in a memorial garden. Another project that may
utilise some of the timber from the Avenue trees is the Dunalley School
boat building project, as well as several others.
After the removal of the trees and their stumps, drainage
improvements were made to the area, and soil conditioners incorporated
into the planting holes for the replacement trees. In all, 23 trees have
been replanted and gaps in the Avenue where trees were removed in the
past have now been filled. It is intended that the next block of trees
will be removed and replanted in 5 years time, and the final block 5
years after that.
PAHSMA’s next project is to work with Tasman RSL and the local
community to ensure the Soldiers Memorial Avenue can be included in some
way in the upcoming Centenary of ANZAC commemorations.

PAHSMA Chair, Professor Sharon Sullivan lends a helping hand

Mayor of Tasman Council, Jan Barwick; Minister for Environment, Parks
and Heritage, Brian Wightman; President of the Tasman sub-branch of the
RSL, Gary Alexander and Chair of the PAHSMA Board, Professor Sharon

and Garden Supervisor Naomi Jeffs, Building and Works crew member John
Hack, PAHSMA CEO Mr Stephen Large and Minister for Environment, Parks
and Heritage, Brian Wightman.