new tour designed specifically for students has been introduced at the
Port Arthur Historic Site, in line with the recently introduced
Australian History Curriculum.
‘Making a Better World? The evolution of a convict settlement’ takes
Year Nine students on a fascinating chronological journey through the
Port Arthur Penal Settlement from its origin as a timber getting station
in 1830, through its time as a secondary punishment station to the
closure of the penal settlement in 1877.
The Australian Curriculum for Year Nine History includes an
examination of the period 1750 – 1918, and focuses on the industrial
revolution, movement of people and progressive ideas and movements. As a
site recognised for its World Heritage significance surrounding forced
migration, Port Arthur offers a unique insight into this period of
history and provides an ideal focal point for students undertaking this
”During the new tour, the history of Port Arthur is discussed in the
context of world history during this period,” explains Port Arthur’s
Education Officer Gemma Davie.
We explore the context of Port Arthur at that moment in history,
including the events and movements which influenced the transportation
of convicts to Australia.”
“Through examining buildings, photographs and artefacts, students
will discover Port Arthur’s many layers of history and stories of
punishment and reform.”
In addition to the new tour, a Program Guide has been developed for teachers. This guide features:
- An overview of the history of Port Arthur
- Links to the curriculum
- Additional onsite activities
- Lesson plans and worksheets for use in the classroom
- A comprehensive list of recommended resources
”The ‘Making a Better World?’ tour, along with the
supporting lesson plans, provides a unique opportunity for school groups
to gain an in-depth understanding of Tasmania’s convict history and has
been developed in consultation with history teachers and curriculum
specialists, “said Miss Davie.
The tour is available for school groups from Year Nine to Twelve.
For more information, and to download the Program Guide, visit www.portarthur.org.au/education

Davie, Education Officer for the Port Arthur Historic Sites, with her
new education guide, which is aligned to the national Australian
Curriculum for Year Nine History