New signs and technology are helping visitors find their way and connect with history at the Port Arthur Historic Site.
The first new feature visitors will notice as they enter the Site
from the Visitor Centre is the striking 46” digital display screen that
has replaced a clock face with moveable hands that displayed the next
tour departure time.
“In addition to counting down to the next tour, the new screen offers
the all-important ‘you are here’ map, information on the weather,
historical stories and details on any special events or activities that
may be occurring at any given time or day,” said Dr Jody Steele, Port
Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) Manager of Heritage
“It gives visitors much deeper access to information. It also gets
around the way that some mischievous visitors would move the hands on
the old clock, causing confusion all around.”
The digital sign is just one part of an overhaul of the way-finding and interpretive signage across the Historic Site.
“Various types of signage had been installed at Port Arthur over
recent decades, with at least five different interpretation signage
styles, with many one-off signage elements scattered around the site at
various locations giving a disjointed presentation of information,“ said
Dr Steele.
Research also revealed that visitors were having difficulty finding
their way around, particularly at some of the major pathway
“In designing the new signage, we have aimed to help visitors find
their way while engaging them with historical and contextual information
that add meaning to the Site as they move around it.”
Three levels of signage will, when completed, display precinct or
locality signs that introduce the main features of the area and the
relevant contextual themes, features and functions of buildings and
other features and some of the characters of the site. Small, discreet
and sometimes tucked away for the visitor to discover, these signs may
be a quote picture or a phrase.
The changing profile of visitors is reflected in directional and
basic information being presented in both English and Simplified
Chinese. Future plans include provision of additional information in
multiple languages via mobile technologies such as QR codes or
near-field communication chips, which can be embedded on the signs and
updated as technology advances without the need to replace the signage
The overall signage strategy incorporates coherent design across all
three historic sites managed by PAHSMA, including the Port Arthur, Coal
Mines and Cascades Female Factory Historic Sites.
The first stage of what has is a multi stage project was supported by
the Commonwealth Government through a Tourism Quality Projects Grants
(TQUAL) to the amount of $100,000, with funds matched by PAHSMA.  The new high-tech display outside the Visitor Centre at Port Arthur provides a wealth of information to visitors  The very low-tech 'clock' it replaces  The new signs help visitors find their way around as well as adding historical context to their journey  Basic directions are given in English and Simplified Chinese, reflecting the changing visitor profile  Sign at a major crossroads point at Port Arthur  Stories of historical figures associated with Port Arthur are being integrated into the signage |