3 November 2016
During November and December 2016 we are conducting an archaeological
investigation of the area behind the Penitentiary Bakehouse, extending
excavations completed earlier this year. A team of professional
archaeologists will be painstakingly peeling back layers of soil to
uncover, examine and record artefacts, deposits and features associated
with the site’s convict period.
Between 1856 to the end of settlement in 1877, the area contained the
laundry for the Penitentiary, as well as storerooms and a bathing area
for the convicts. Before 1856 the area contained early waterfront
workshops and we hope that through the excavation we can gather
information about both periods of use.
Catch up with what’s happening at one of our 15 minute trench-side
talks with the Project Archaeologist between 14th Nov and 14th Dec at
2pm (weekdays only). |