The Port Arthur Historic Site
Management Authority presents this semi-regular series of talks by
authoritative speakers on a variety of topics, ranging from history and
conservation to environmental issues, research results, study tours and
much more.
The talks are held every couple of months at the Port Arthur Historic
Site, are free of charge and open to anyone who is interested in the
topic. Rich and varied subjects and speakers make for fascinating
listening and discussion.
For more information about our Port Arthur Talks, please phone +61 (0)3 6251 2324.
Forthcoming Port Arthur Talks
Wednesday 23 August 2017
Cooking the Colonial Way
presented by Sally Wise
For about fifteen years, Sally Wise has been fascinated by the food
provided to the convicts, and meals of the colonial period in general;
from the style of cookery and the cooking equipment to the culture that
it related to. In this presentation, Sally will discuss the methods of
cooking and the availability of ingredients during the colonial era in
Tasmania including references to meals and rations eated by the
officials and convicts at the Port Arthur penal settlement.
Sally Wise is passionate about seasonal produce and cooking with
natural, readily-available ingredients. A bestselling author of 15
cookbooks and owner/operator of the Sally Wise Cooking School, she is a
regular guest on ABC radio in Tasmania and has been a presenter at
functions such as the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival as well as
various community events. A teacher/trainer at secondary school, Adult
Education, Vocational Education and Training level, she has also
recently conducted a cooking course to prison inmates.
All welcome.
Wednesday 23 August, 2017 at 5.30 p.m.
Note: The venue as changed for this talk as follows:
Port Arthur Motor Inn (dining area), 29 Safety Cove Rd, Port Arthur (access from the road to Safety Cove)
For more information call 6251 2324